week 3 wine 2 tasting

 Tasting: Santa Juila Pinot Grigio 

Name:  Santa Juila Pinot Grigio 

Variety: Pinot Grigio 

Region: Mendoza, Aregentina 

Country: Argentina 


Price: $10

Winery Review: This Pinot Grigio has a delightful, ripe fruit aroma of pears, apple, melon, and some tropical notes of pineapple and banana, It has good balance, nice acidity, and a long, fresh finish. (Vintage Celler)

Wine Folly: Pg 149 a pinot grigio is also called pinot gris. This is a pink grape mutation of pinot noir that is most famous for its zesty white wines that range in a style from dry to sweet. on the same page this wine also pairs well with seafood and white meat. 

My review: This wine was okay not my favorite so far. The reason I may not have liked it was because I did not have any food with it. Later this week I will post about my dinner I had with a similar white wine. Made from the same winery but different grape and alcohol volume. This wine was too dry for me. I could tell I may not like it because it had a high alcohol volume. I knew it would be dry because of that thank you Professor Boyer for teaching me that trick. However, I wanted to explore out of my comfort zone and try something new. Before I took a sip of this wine the aromas from this wine were really fruity. I could smell a small hint of lemon but all I could really smell is cantaloupe. Again, the only reason it was this was not my favorite is because it was high in Alcohol volume and the acidity was just too strong. However, I know how a white wine similar to this one taste with fish and it made it taste so much better. So, I will not give up on this wine I will need to have fish or chicken the next time I have it.   

I did not pair it with food


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