Week 2 wine 2 tasting Schmitt Sohne Liebfraumilch
Tasting: S mitt Sohne Liebfraumilch Name: Schmitt Sohne Liebfraumilch Variety: Liebfraumilch Region: Rheinhessen Germany Country: Germany Year:2019 Price: $5 Winery Review: Yes, my exclamation when I savored the first sip! I was back in a quaint German village enjoying a glass of wine with the natives. This wine was bold, yet smooth. One of the best fresh and fruity Rhine wines I have had with a price that screams, "Try Me". This Liebfraumilch has become a staple. It is perfect with any meal or on its own (2019 Rachel) Wine Folly: pg238 in general Liebfraumilch is a cheap, sweet and a typically a white wine. Pg 21 white wines are typically on the lower end of the Ph scale. My review: This wine German wine is really good. It is on the cheap side, but it does not taste like a cheap wine. It is a little to sweet for me but still a very good wine. On the bottle it says you should chill before serving and I recommend doing that. It tastes better when chilled...